Est ce que je choisis l’amour ou la peur ?
Quand vous osez c’est l’être. Quand vous n’osez pas, c’est l’égo.
La question n’est pas : qu’est ce que je veux faire mais qui je veux être?
Sherish the how much more that the what… the journey, not the goal. for the goal will always be an illusion. There is no such thing.
Do. Yes. But detach from /renunicate to the fruits of your actions. (Bhagavad Gita)
This requires time.
Time to listen.
Listening to remember.
To remember that we already are perfect.
To feel that our body is the temple of our soul.
To know that life is an experience to be lived.
To accept that we know nothing, yet that we are - already - powerful beyond measures.
Self love is the key and that’s why it’s so important to go inward.
The more you love yourself
The more you open up
The more you help
The more you let go
The more you are aligned with the flow of Life
You realise that there is nothing to add.
All is here. Here an now.
Everything I do that is attached to an outcome, a result . .
Everything that I attach to, that changes, that is outside of me . .
will add to the suffering.
Life is letting go. There is nothing else but going inside. Trusting. And loving.
A few lines from the Bhagavad Gita
Pleasure form external objects
are wombs of suffering, Arjuna.
They have their beginnings and their ends ;
no wise man seeks joy among them.
He who sees that all actions
are performed by Nature alone
and thus that the self is not
the doer – that man sees truly.
Cut down this deep-rooted tree
with the sharp-edged ax of detachement ;
then search for that primal Person
from whom the whole Universe flows.
And a documentary that could be of intrest if you were inspired by this text ;)
Samādhi, Le Film, 2017 – partie 1 – « Maya, l’illusion du Soi » – français
Samādhi, Le Film, 2018 – partie 2 – « Ce n’est pas ce que vous pensez » – français
Pour conclure avec un extrait du film :
Comment pouvons-nous utiliser mots et images pour transmettre le calme ?
Comment pouvons-nous transmettre le silence en faisant du bruit ?
Plutôt que de parler de Samādhi en tant que concept intellectuel, ce film est un appel radical à l’inaction. Un appel à la méditation, au silence intérieur et à la prière intérieure. …
Sois calme et sais.
Personne ne peut vous dire ce qui émergera du calme.
C’est un appel à l’action qui vient du cœur spirituel.
C’est comme se souvenir de quelque chose d’ancien.
L’âme se réveille et se souvient.
