I want to share me
But then, here they gather all in my chest ..
bubbles of insecurity
I feel how they are having fun. so much fun. too much fun.
They even dance through my arms ! blup blup blup, a bubble party in my whole body !
I take a deep breath. One more.
I’ve decided it before.
I’ll do that step, even if my whole body becomes a bubble pool.
I go. I do. I walk. I speak. I open up.
Rush of bubbles.
It’s not even a pool, but an ocean of bubbles …
I move on and smile. because.. oh, yes, I know these little jumping friends in me. I know them well.
As I move on.. slowly they settle and ground and breathing becomes easier again.
The rush is gone, most of the bubbles popped and I know. Deep down, I know.
It will be easier next time.
Because every time I move through this ocean of bubbles, I learn.
I learn that at the end, they all pop pop pop and pop
And what remains is power and pride.
Soft power and humble pride.
A place from which I can share me and love truly.
So long my dear sweet bubbles, I am so ready for the next party !
