Josh Summers is a renown Yin Yoga teacher. He is also very active through his podcast, everyday sublime, that I warmly recommend. Lately, I have been "hit" by a poem that he mentioned about friendship. It's a poem by David Whyte that you can find here.
... this inspied me to created my own little 'ode to friendship' ... :)
In highs, I see you
In lows, you see me
In lows, I see you
In highs, you see me
Darkness we lighten up
Mistakes we embrace
Free from judgement we are
Always reminding us of the good in us
We hold fast
Strongly when low
Softly when high
Helping eachother to breathe
All in. Darkness and light. We take it. All in.
That’s how friends, become true friends.
That’s how true friends remain.
La Boum, Vic (Sophie Marceau) et Pénélope (Sheila O'Connor), 1980
