There is an interesting debate going on at the moment about that ‘mindfulness hip’. (check this article published in 2019 in the Guardian called « The mindfulness conspiracy »).
Essentially, it says that mindfulness can be distorted and used to serve capitalism (individualism). I do agree to a certain extent and I think that people who work with and/or intend to use these tools in their jobs have a responsibility in this as well.
Here is an extract of the article to make my point a bit clearer:
« But none of this means that mindfulness ought to be banned, or that anyone who finds it useful is deluded. Reducing suffering is a noble aim and it should be encouraged. But to do this effectively, teachers of mindfulness need to acknowledge that personal stress also has societal causes. By failing to address collective suffering, and systemic change that might remove it, they rob mindfulness of its real revolutionary potential, reducing it to something banal that keeps people focused on themselves. »
Lately, I came across many articles and documentaries about the injuction to be happy and healthy at work for example. Sometimes these techniques (mindfulness, stress management, coaching) are used the cover underlying issues (bad management for example – or sometimes, even deeper causes). In my view, that "misuse" of mindfulness to basically “cover” something that is wrong is dangerous. The aim of mindfulness is not to calm people and make them accept (resilient about) everything. Indeed, I believe the contrary: it should make them more awake.
Coaching, stress management techniques, mindfulness are tools that – if well used – should allow people to see clearer and so, very often, lead to change. They’re not meant to help you stay calm in a house that is burning. But much more, to see the fire and take action to stop it. Or, if needed, to leave the house. This takes courage.
I feel we are in a moment where it’s important to raise awareness about what mindfulness should and should not serve.
Finally and to conclude on a more personal level: all these discussions have been a good reminder to question myself about the direction I wish to go on my own path. Mindfulness helps me shed light on myself, the good AND the bad. The quality of that light is soft, patient and compassionate. And this, allows me to learn and grow. With compassion towards myself, others and life.
What do you think about all this ? I am very curious to hear you :)
#macmindfulness #mindfulness #revolutionarypotential #questioneverything #individualism #capitalism #ethics #atelier3012
