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it's ok.

Today I cried. and it's ok.

The aim of this post is to open the dialogue about fear, anxiety, stress and other feelings and emotions that can arise in moments like these.

As you know, I usually am very positive and sharing mainly good things.. and I see so so many cool stuff on the web that are all really cool and positive and heart-warming. GUYS : keep spreading fun, positivity, MOVEMENT and all this. It’s GREAT, really ! Thank you so much for that. It brings smiles onto faces, it makes asses shake and creativity pop out. Keep it up, I mean it ! 

The story of the day is simple. I decided to take it bit slower and be with me a bit more, just for a few hours.. Nothing crazy.. I clean my flat, cook, eat and just go through my day.. one little detail maybe – I also try to turn off the screens a tiny bit more than the days before.

And then.. surprise surprise.. round, fast, warm, wet.. here they are.. little tears rolling down my cheeks..

I just couldn’t stop.. and sat with it for a while. I knew they were the physical manifestation of sadness… With softness and gentleness, I watched all of these little drops and let them roll and roll and roll (rock n roll haha). I C A R E D about them.

After a long moment, I knew it would be good to get in touch with a friend to get some LOVE MAMA, which I did. She didn’t try to find answers or solutions, SHE WAS JUST THERE. Listening to me and all my little « drops-companions ».. The release was immediate. Of course, I did not feel happy, but it felt OK to have those feelings and I could relax in their presence. (I so like that thought of Swami Prajnanpad that says, that to love someone is to help him relax. – translated from a sentence in « Le petit traité de l’abandon d’Alexandre Jollien)

Anyways, I just wanted to say that IT IS OK TO FEEL SAD, ANGRY, STRESSED, ANXIOUS. Everything you may feel is ok. It truly is. And even if we like to be positive and fight – which we ALL ARE right now ! .. let us also be soft, sweet and gentle and ALLOW those feelings TO BE.

If someday you feel like this.. REACH OUT. I have been advocating for this for a long time. Reach out. Better too early, than too late. We are in this together and everyone is ready to listen. One day I it will be you, the next day, it will be her. And tomorrow, it will be me again :)

AND, if you are able to, SHOW IT ALL. The good AND the bad. As I said at the beginning: all that creativity and positivity that’s popping out is really really cool – and you know me, I’m in it 100% as well !! – BUT, share the harder parts as well. It might uplift people who ARE struggling, who ARE having a low day and who badly need to feel they are not alone.

Finally, MOVE MOVE MOVE. Our bodies literally store all those emotions, like a little geek’s computers. Movement – even soft ones – can truly help release some tensions. And the good news for all the mamacitas out there : BAILAR is more than a valid option of course !! ;) (I know you hear, mamacitas hahaha)

To make it short. Take some slow time without noise to just check in with your thoughts, feelings and emotions. Don’t hesitate to reach out, it’s an act of COURAGE, not of weakness. If you can, share it, it might help others. Let’s show our whole, ups and downs, fit, fresh and vulnerable, funny, positive and sometimes sad, angry or anxious... Everything is ok, it truly is. 

May we all be able to relax in the good and in the bad.

If this topic is of interest to you, I share this link of an interview that is really worth watching (thank you to the amazing « Zwergli » who shared it with me)


Dancing mamacitas in Ometepe, Nicaragua.

Décembre 2017


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