Sometimes a book is more than a book, and this one was one of those (it only exists in German for now).
« Wahrnehmungsfähigkeit. Neurosensitivität. Die Kraft der Hochsensitiven. » « Perceptual ability. Neurosensitivity. The power of the highly sensitive. »
By Dr. Patrice Wyrsch
I have been interested in the thematic of high sensitivity since a coach asked me if I knew about it. I didn’t. So, this year, I started to read and learn more about it. This lead to many « clicks ».
Let’s come back to the book. What’s so special about it ?
First, it speaks about ‘neuro-sensitivity’ which I find a better way to describe 'high sensitivity'. Indeed, it is something that has been researched and the actual knowledge of it by science is that 50% is inherited and 50% is environmental. Also, a minority of the population possesses such abilities (some studies mention 20%, others less).
How the author, Dr. Patrice Wyrsch defines it in the book, is as follows:
Sensitivity is the ability to register and process environment stimuli, which can be external (the feelings of others) or internal (our own feelings).
A minority of people disposes of a highly sensitive trait.
This means that those people see/feel/sense/perceive more than others.
Basically, their reality is different from the vast majority of people. Isn’t that fascinating?
Can you relate ?
(partly taken from Dr. Wyrsch’s sensitivity test – link at the end)
- do you have fine perception of your surroundings ? smells, tastes, sounds, etc. ?
- do you feel others people’s energy ?
- do you get tired or disturbed, for example when there are too many people in a room, or too much activity in general around you ?
- does noise disturb you – a lot ? or bright lights ? or smells ? scratchy fabrics ?
- does art or music touch you very strongly ?
- do you get overwhelmed when you have a lot to do in a short time ?
- do you need more time alone than the average ?
- does change upset you ?
- do you have a rich inner life ?
(not all of them might apply.. but if some do, it could be interesting for you as well to dig into that topic ;)
The author, Dr. Patrice Wyrsch, then makes an absolutely fascinating link between science and metaphysics. He guides the reader through an amazing and rich journey from Organisations, Societey, Economy, Ecology in which – he believes – neuro sensitive people – have a big role to play.
I have always believed that some people feel, sense and perceive more and that their ability to do so was underestimated and more importantly, undervalued. Sadly, instead of seeing it as a potential, it is often categorised as negative in our society. On the contrary and like the author, I do believe that – if known how to deal with – it can be a super power! Indeed, it is a key to intuition, to signals that can pave the path to new ways of living, of being together. Yet, what I observe around me is that the people who possess this 'higher awareness' (who for example even sense energies), tend to doubt way more than the rest.
This leads to my third point.
The angle taken in the book is a positive one, an empowering one.
Indeed, in the title it says « The power of highly sensitive people ».
It stroked me because, as said previously, it is usually seen as a burden, as something to overcome, or something that holds back. Here, for once, Patrice Wyrsch takes the counter-foot and gives very good and clear tips on how a person can master this ability and make it a strength. Because, indeed, and that’s the good news :) : it is something one can train and develop.
Not to bother you with my usual ‘dear companions'.. but he mentions that meditation, yoga and other activities that impact the nervous system are strongly recommended. ;)
To conclude and as he says, it’s not better or worse to have this ability.
IT JUST IS. And from now on.. instead of considering it as a burden… why not try to shift the perspective and learn to use it as a super power ?
You can order the book here :
His test and tips can be found here:
And if you don’t speak German and want more infos, let’s have a coffee :)
