This morning, I went to the doctor and I was early. So was he. He asked if he could sit at my table to drink his coffee. I said yes, smiled. He commented : « it’s rare nowadays that ladies are so kind to an old man ». I silently wondered… really ?
It was a bit cold, the coffee smelt so good and his red eye (for which he had to go to the doctor) didn’t change the fact that he looked vivid and wanting to share.
In twenty minutes, I learned that he came from former Yougoslavia, studied politics and was a resistant to the regime. He had to flee the country as he was adolescent and eventually arrived in Switzerland.
Here, he started to work. Work as a waiter. Work as a bartender. Work as a cleaner. Become a restaurant owner. Working and working for years, almost day and night. I even felt the tension when he was talking about it. So I asked : « How is it now to be retired ? » To which he smiled and answered : « you know, I always worked so much, I never took a break to just be and enjoy. I didn’t even know this was possible. I am happier now than ever. Work is not important, so isn’t your title, nor earning things. I sherish the simplicity of having time, time to be. I enjoy it so much ».
Thank you life for putting those little diamonds onto my path. I love the simplicity that resides in connecting with a stranger, I love it so much. Thank you, dear Petar for those 20mn of history and life philosophy.
Talk to strangers, ask questions and LISTEN. It’s like reading a book. A living book.
Bern centre, February 2020
