I had quite a few talks about social media and the so called “attention economy” recently (and less recently) and took the advice from a friend to read this book again : « Digital minimalism » by Cal Newport.
He defines digital minimalism as « A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimised activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else. ».
He asks three relevant questions :
1. Does this technology directly support something that I deeply value ?
2. Is this technology the best way to support this value ?
3. How am I going to use this technology going forward to maximize its value and minimize its harms ?
He also mentions the benefits of solitude or the solitude deprivation due to those technologies and that can have big consequences on our health. As he says : « For one thing, when you avoid solitude, you miss out the positive things it brings you : the ability to clarify hard problems, to regulate your emotions, to build moral courage, and to strengthen relationships… ». Of course, he also talks about anxiety as a direct consequence of it and ends the chapter by saying « Simply put, humans are not wired to be constantly wired. »
It’s getting clearer and clearer to me that I don’t want to « feed that beast »
I don’t know if I will manage but I want to try to reduce. My “how” is still in the making. Reducing my contacts is a first step, sharing this text another one.. let’s see where it will lead and stay humble, step by step, comme toujours ;)
But why is it important to me? you might ask.
Because it’s getting obvious that : « The new goal of the attention economy is to dominate your mind and then sell it. The smart phone is the preferred vehicle. » (article in the medium, link below)
I like to share, yes.
But I don’t like to be hooked (those platforms are literally made for us to be hooked – it’s called the attention economy – think about instagram for example)
I like to share, yes.
But I don’t like the likes – they are evil (again, made by psychologists/technicians to serve the attention economy. Basically, to give you a little dopamine shot)
I like to share yes, but deeply and honestly – from a place of love and without serving an evil beast that is brainwashing us.
Moreover .. and now more related to the mindfulness practice.
I personally feel that there is a disconnection in the “why and how” we use social media and what we try to teach or share. Again, I am not saying at all that we are weak – bc, as mentioned, those tools have been made to hook us. But, I feel that sometimes, I do lose my mindfulness in them ;) I am sure you get me !
I would like to be able to be more mindful in my use of them and not contribute to that “game of likes” that creates way too much comparison, envy, jealousy anxiety, etc. Of course, those things happen in real life too don’t get me wrong.. BUT THE DIFFERENCE IS that in real life you face those triggers at a healthy level AND with real people that cannot fake or distort reality as much as they might do on virtual platforms. Also, real life allows to go much slower, helping one to decide much more mindfully on what to « consume ».
Those are things that disturb me and that I wanted to share. Also, thank you for all the triggering discussion lately my friends ! ;)
For now, I reduced my contacts to 60 people, deleted my personal instagram account and will try (my intention) to share quality over quantity. ALSO: I would like to ask you NOT TO LIKE ANY OF MY POSTS.
As usual, I am not saying I am there or anything like that. I am simply questioning and learning by doing. Trying out stuff, falling, getting back up.. aka.. being online, deleting the apps, removing friends.. falling down, creating a new account and starting the whole thing (shit haha) again.. let’s see where this experiment leads, right ?
Want to exchange with me about that topic or anything else ?
Let’s go out and have a coffee :)
Article from the medium: https://medium.com/@brendancarrofficial/join-the-attention-resistance-digital-minimalism-08-34d7350dd191
And another one mentioned in the book from the New York Mag: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2016/09/andrew-sullivan-my-distraction-sickness-and-yours.html
The Guardian about the movie 'The Social Dilemma'
Or watch 'The Social Dilemma' on Netflix
And a last one in German: «Facebook tötet die Demokratie»
